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Introduction to Bushcraft for Women

A one day taster session introducing the basics of bushcraft.

9:30am – 4pm
Selected dates
Woodland women


A one day taster session introducing the basics of bushcraft. The course aims to spark interest in woodland skills and craft, empowering participants with the confidence to develop their knowledge further on one of our more advanced courses.

Our women-only courses are designed by women for women. We are passionate about empowerment and learning in a relaxed atmosphere. Teaching is provided in a way that supports everyone’s personal needs, so that gaining outdoor skills can be a positive and encouraging experience. Come and enjoy the camaraderie of an all-female environment.

The day will be spent trying your hand at an array of woodland activities. Use a variety of different lighting methods to create your own fire and cook a tasty snack; work as a team to build a natural shelter from what the forest provides; discover more about the trees and plants that surround us, and finally sit around a warm fire with a hot brew and learn how to carve your own unique butter knife.

Minimum age: